Be an investigator of your life

Be an investigator. Of yourself.

Know yourself through and through.


Your likes, dislikes, your habits, your fears, your beliefs, your quirks.

Your prominent feelings.

Your thought process.

Your healing process.

The deepest desires you have.

Know the inside.


Take the time to explore your body.

Look in the mirror, look at photos.

What colors do you see?

What blemishes, imperfections that make you, you, are there?

What does your skin feel like?

Know the outside.



Explore your mind.

Explore your soul.

Explore your physical.

Explore your history.

Explore your environment.

Explore your surroundings.


Over and over.

Keep discovering.



Investigate it all.

Who you are?

Who are you not?

Ask the hard questions.

Ask the simple questions that you overlook.


Commit to a life of investigating.

Commit to a life of transforming.

Commit to a life of living in love.

In love with you.

All of you.

A life of acceptance, compassion, joy + dedication to working on more of what you want to be + letting go, reframing what you don’t.


Begin where you are.

Invest in you.

You are deserving of anything + everything you can dream of in this life.



the many faces of love
