Jenna Decker - Live in Love

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Good vibe food only!


Your food has a vibration too, be mindful of what you eat + from where.

 Good Vibes Only has become a popular slogan. We say the term “vibe” to refer to people, the energy and they give off. We want the positive ones, the ones that leave us feeling good. Well it’s not different with food. You want the highest vibrational foods you can get! Why? Because we are what we eat. And what we eat determines how we process, how we feel, how we live.

 Foods have vibrations too. They carry energy and frequency to them. Often, we don’t give food enough credit, enough power… but we should. What we ingest should be medicinal. It should heal, fuel, empower our bodies and minds. We want to hold the intention of receiving all the goodness our food has to offer when we consume it.

 But most of us in America find ourselves rushing around, eating what may be convenient, cheap and popular. Although it may save you time and some money, what does it cost you in the long run? Health wise, longevity + feeling good, what tax are you paying? Medical bill wise, what is it costing you?

The highest vibrational foods we can get are those from the earth. Farmers markets, local markets, local farmers are the absolute crème of the crop to get your goods. Farms where there’s not pesticides and harmful chemicals used. Planting your own herbs and veggies is worth its weight in gold.

 Easy guide to low vibrational foods includes anything processed, no refined sugar and oils, and no genetically modified foods.

High vibrational foods include anything organic and from the farm or your garden, vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fermented foods, seeds, cold pressed oils, teas, seaweeds and fungi’s, and grass-finished and humanely raised animal proteins. Those foods that are still natural in nature. They have not been modified; they are what they are.


I love love making bowls. I make them at least 3 times a week. It is such an easy way to pack all you want from a meal into one creation. I also make enough so I can make them easily a few days a week without the hassle of cooking.

In the yogic tradition + Ayurvedic we typically do not add animal products which is a preference.

Create yours as you wish + make it fun, but here is the basic Buddah Bowl guide!

1st: Start with a Grain (sometimes I use a veggie noodle or leafy green instead)

-Rice (Basmati is my recommendation, usually not white rice or instant)



*Add some raisins, nuts, herbs to your grain!

*I also use this as a good time to add healing spices and herbs.

(cumin, cardamon, turmeric, rosemary, cilantro, black peppercorn)

2nd: Add ALL the Veggies!

Sautee, Steam, Mash.. however you like them + add them all!

3rd: Add a legume (Protein)

Beans like black, kidney, white, peas, lentils, chickpeas

(if they are not canned, even better!)

Use them as is, boiled, fried, sauteed, roasted

4th: Toppings (dressing, seeds, nuts, pickled veggies, ferments)

This is the place where I add all the stuff, the spices, the ferments, the bone broth, the Green Goddess dressing, hummus.