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I sat on the sidelines watching others get in the ring, one after another…

Knowing I had all I needed to get in + win some rounds, lose some too but come back stronger, hungrier. Instead I let external forces + internal trauma second guess what my gut told me I was ready for. I chose to show up half in.


Somewhere along the way, I lost the independent woman
that did what she wanted, when she wanted
+ got everything she asked for.


I stood on the sidelines preparing and preparing more instead of getting in the ring + showing up 100% unattached to the outcome + in love with the process. Thinking there was some destination I needed to reach, someone else I had to put first, to listen to, instead of me...

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I played small so others would feel big.

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+ I pretended things sucked so I could relate to others in conversation.
+ I wondered why I was worthy of so much when others had nothing. So I began rejecting good things.
+ I made decisions based on what others wanted even though they weren’t what I wanted.
+ The “should’s” became predominant in my mind.
+ I listened to the words of others + silenced my intuition. 
+ I hid my desires, my wants so if they didn’t become reality I wouldn’t be judged.
+ I stayed in relationships of every kind in fear of hurting the other person, yet losing myself.
+ I explained, dumbed down, justified my life to others.
+ I thought because someone else was doing it, that meant there wasn’t room for me.
+ I felt like I owed something to people, my parents, my family, my friends, partners. 
+. I thought if I failed then I would have to answer to someone besides me.
+ That if I continued to be powerful I wouldn’t be liked.
+ If I continued to let life and love flow to me and through me in abundance I wouldn’t be accepted.


If any of these sound like you, where you’ve been,
where you are, Then my programs,
my sessions, and me are for you.


Living on the other side of fear.


Living in love.
In freedom.


Defining your own life. Creating your life.
Living your life. For YOU.


I’ve spent years recalibrating, shifting, learning, transforming my beautiful life.

But most of all I’ve learned to make it my own. To live in the simplicity of joy + love for myself. And I’ve given glimpses of that life to the world but I haven’t fully stepped into it, accepted it + shared it until NOW.


I’ve spent years
recalibrating, shifting,
learning, transforming
my beautiful life.

But most of all I’ve learned to make it my own.
To live in the simplicity of joy + love for myself.
And I’ve given glimpses of that life to
the world but I haven’t fully
stepped into it, accepted it
+ shared it until NOW.


I don’t play small anymore.

+ I don’t apologize for what I have created.
+ I don’t second guess what feels good.
+ I don’t ask permission if it’s my choice + in my power.
+ I don’t apologize unless it’s warranted.
+ I don’t “should” “would” “could”, I try, I do.
+ I feel. I process. I let go.
+ I fail so I can learn.
+ I love myself above all else.
+ I am my biggest advocate, my loudest cheerleader
+ I don’t feel bad for having too much and others having too little. .

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 I still give + give with everything I have, but I receive too. And I receive with no exchange, no expectation, just because I am + I am worthy of everything this universe has to offer without conditions.

It’s time to open your wings love, take flight.
it’s beautiful up here.

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